My Moon Obsession

I’ve been on a little journey exploring spirituality in different ways. I got into reading Tarot cards and oracle cards. I’m currently exploring The Sophia Code thanks to Chloe.  I’m working with the energy of the moon and feeling it call to me each time. I think this quote hits home because I am in the process of aligning to my highest self and I feel like I have been passing through so many phases but I need to remember that I am whole and I can love myself unconditionally through anything I go through.

Human Design – I’m a Generator

I recently learned about Human Design and I am now obsessed. I came across human design while listening to one of my podcasts. I then started listening to other Human Design podcasts, my favorite is DayLuna. I wanted to know more so I found a chart reader in my Rose Gold Goddess group online. She read my chart and Adrian’s. It was interesting to have certain things validated as yes that is why…

I am a generator. What that means is I have a ton of energy to do the things I am passionate about, and also unfortunately the energy to power through the things that make me miserable without making a change.

I am learning to listen to my body as my authority is my sacral, which means “listen to your gut”

When I am in line with my Highest Self I feel satisfaction but when I am out of alignment I feel frustration. I think I have been out of alignment for a while as I feel like I was frustrated with everything the past few years. I am starting to take note of things that make me happy and satisfied. One thing for sure is building things. I am obsessed with creating and crafting. I can get lost in something and want to go full steam in. I haven’t found anything that has kept my attention for longer than 6 months though. Still searching for that one Hell Yes!

I have a completely open Solar Plexus which controls emotions, what this means, is that I can often take on other’s emotions around me without knowing where they  are from as well as how to express them. Therapy is at least helping me learn how to express those emotions. I am also learning that this can amplify other people’s emotions and that is a little hard with a house full of girls with defined Solar Plexus centers.

One thing I am working on is my Gate 50, which is a fear gate. This is fear of responsibility. This has really come out in me avoiding “adulting”. People often ask how I do it all with 4 kids, truth is I DON’T! I have a ton of help from my parents and Adrian.  My intention for myself is to work on this fear and start telling myself that I am capable of anything and household chores are not that hard! I am entering the new year with the mantra that responsibilities are not a burden. I can take care of myself as well as my home and family.

In our household we almost have one of each type in the Human Design system.

Adrian and I are both Generators 

Generators are approximately 37% of the population. They produce their own energy, and when doing something they love – they can work on it for hours with a seemingly endless supply of energy. They are here to work on what lights them up, and in turn, light up others and the world around them.

Jillian and Alice are Manifesting Generators

Approximately 33% of the population – Manifesting generators are a mix of a generator and a manifestor! When doing what they love they have a super human ability to create things and then see them through to completion. Like the generator, they are here to do what lights them up and light up the world around them – and they can be extremely efficient because of their ability to manifest new

Olivia is a Projector

Approximately 21% of the population – Projectors are here to act as guides for the world around them. Every projector has the ability to see things in a way that others cannot, and with their penetrating aura, they have the ability to connect with other energies very well. Projector’s greatest desire it to be recognized for their unique gifts and to share their guidance with the world. Once recognized, projectors can have an incredible impact on the world around them. Projectors do not create their own energy, and rather fuel off of the energy of those around them. It is vital for their health to prioritize having a lot of rest. They can burn out very easily, and because they are so productive when they have energy, they really should only be “working” 2-3hrs a day, and spend the rest of their time resting or honing their skills. This will bring them success and abundance in life.

Claire is a Manifestor 

Approximately 7% of the population – Manifestors are here to create and give their creations to the world.  Their strategy is To Inform and they thrive when they do just that. They are not here to “do” in the same way as a Generator or a ManGen.  By creating new things and creating what THEY want in the moment, they “do” the best service to themselves and the world.

Want to learn more? is where you can get free charts.

Amanda Green is a great resource

DayLuna Podcast is the best!

$30 bath

Alice just took a $30 bath! I left the bathroom for a second and she dumped all three of my brand new Lush Bath Bombs into her bath. Oops serves me right keeping nice things in reach of a 2 year old. 

Christmas 2019

What a whirlwind of a season! Thanksgiving was at the end of November so it felt like the Christmas season was totally rushed. Well we made it to Christmas and it was a success… well, mostly. The household came down with a cold. It started with Alice two weeks prior and spread its way around. Olivia missed out on a trip to Carmel with her friend because it was really bad. This wasn’t as bad as the flu during Christmas a couple years ago, but certainly a more subdued Christmas. The girls were excited for their gifts and the magic of Christmas but just a lot of coughing and sore throats.

Santa went big this year and brought Jillian and Olivia VR headsets and Claire a new computer so she can keep up with her sisters online. Alice got a frozen playset.



Had to wake this one up, the flash ruined the moment but she looked like an angel while sleeping

Slime is always a hit

Uncle Jason doing some magic

Gnocchi Making

This year I wanted to connect to my ancestors so I thought a fun way to do that would be to have my mom teach us how to make gnocchis. The girls lasted about 10 minutes then were over it. I was super excited that I actually remembered how to make them. I also found they weren’t as much work as my mom and aunt always made it out to be. Yes making a TON for a family to eat would be a pain in the butt, but every once in a while for myself for some comfort food, totally manageable! Also we found that the gluten free versions were just as good as the regular ones.

Lights at the Harbor

The Harbor loves to go all out with lights at Christmas time. We happened to randomly drive home by the harbor and realized we hadn’t checked them out this year. Christmas lights are so magical to me and I love seeing them. Adrian had me and the girls hop out so we could see them while he circled the crazy parking lot. He was super lucky and found a spot faster than any of us thought! Alice loved it! We even got to see a skateboarding santa.

Gingerbread House Party

Claire said her house was on fire (Candy Corn)

The tradition continues. Our Party was a success! All the kids arrived at the same time and left at the same time, haha it was amazing! Later on that evening I was able to make my house… or my mansion this year. Sam and his friends continued this year with th challenge to build without a milk carton, Jillian joined and did really well. I wasn’t feeling this party when planning it but I’m so glad I powered through that and hosted my favorite party of the year!