Jillian is now in High School!

I cannot believe how fast time goes! This year Jillian started 9th grade! She is going to the same high school Adrian and I did, so walking her through the school during registration was strange. It was even wilder attending back-to-school night sitting in some of the same classrooms!

Family Photos

We took our family photos recently. It was a fun little park, but with lots of hills! Our favorite memory is Alice introducing herself to the photographer saying, “I’m the funny one.” haha she’s not wrong.

New Hair

I finally did it after years of wanting to! I dyed my hair fun colors! A couple years ago I tried purple overtone, which just went over my original hair color then eventually washed out. This was the first time I bleached my hair and went for something fun! I love it so much. I showed up to school on the last day with a fresh new look. A student’s parent saw me in the parking lot and asked if she could take my photos, she’s a professional photographer. She came back after school and we did a mini photoshoot.

Pinch some water from my butthole

Alice is 3 1/2 and the sassiest little thing ever! The other day, Adrian asked for Alice to bring him his water bottle. She pinched her fingers together and told Adrian “I pinched you some water from my butthole.”

This has now become a running comment between Adrian and myself. The audacity of this child is amazing haha she makes us laugh on a regular basis.

Learning Embroidery

The website I buy/sell my fabrics on has weekly design challenges. One week it was to design a pre-printed embroidery pattern. This was not something I had done before. I went down a rabbit hole of learning about embroidery and I found I really enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed watching some of the tutorial videos with the sound of the string going through the canvas. It’s very similar to crochet or knitting, where it is a great thing to do while watching tv or a movie.