Soccer Game

Did you know Orange County has a professional soccer team? Haha yah I didn’t know either until they became a huge part of Beacon Park this year. Their stadium is being built in the Great Park and they have done a lot with our school. They gave Kevin and I free VIP seats to one of their games because we were Teacher of the Year and Teacher of Promise. 

Beacon Park Baby Shower

I can’t say it enough how much I love my Beacon Park family! They threw me a great little baby shower at Taco Rosa. I told them I wanted them to enjoy themselves as well so it was a happy hour baby shower! I got a lovley baby crown to wear 🙂 The staff was super generous and got me the new car seat that I wanted as well as some other really great items!

Fairy Trail

We visited the fairy trail today.

The girls loved seeing all the little houses for fairies! Adrian and I enjoyed the ocean view on the trail and being super envious of the homes along the trail with their beautiful views!

It was a fairly easy walk for me being late in my pregnancy. We did stop at the hill and turned around there. I think there was more beyond but I just couldn’t do it. We’ll have to go back when I am more fit.

Claire’s 4th Birthday

Claire wanted a Moana birthday party. My mom made her this amazing Moana outfit. She did it without a pattern and just looking at a picture, she is really superwoman! It was a small gathering but Claire had fun. We even made the Kakamora pinata. My cupcakes were not spectacular this year and I forgot to take a picture of them. We tried to decorate them like the heart of Tefiti.


Mother’s Day

Today was not my favorite day. Claire decided to hide and not come out when called. I think she hid for a good 20 minutes while Adrian and I were panicking. She ended up being in her closet, laying down, under a blanket, under the hanging clothes. We looked in there so many times but never thought she would be laying flat on the ground under a blanket. Ugh such a heart attack! Then Jillian gave me a mother’s day card that read something like, I’m sorry I have been mad at you. WTF I didn’t even know she was mad at me… lovely. I’d been working a lot lately and I think that had something to do with it. After that we spent the rest of the day at my moms when really I would have just liked to crawl into bed and watch movies… maybe next year