
Olivia was invited to a birthday party at a place called Bold Girlz. haha I didn’t know what we were getting into. Apparently it is a fashion show place that the girls get to put on dresses and get their hair and makeup done. Olivia was not a fan. As you can see by her facial expressions, this was not for her! Afterwards she told me she would much rather be the clothing designer than the model. Good for her! haha

Aquarium of the Pacific

My teammate and I thought it would be a fun idea to take our students to the Aquarium of the Pacific for a field trip. We decided to take a weekend trip there to do a little research as to what our students were going to see. The girls had a great time! I loved the sea horses 🙂

CUE 2017

This year was a big one for me at CUE! I was a presenter!! I had 1 full session with my friend and then a 20 minute CUE tip. We had such a blast presenting!


This year Olivia kicked butt at the Jog-A-Thon! She was such a little runner… she may take after Adrian and join cross country in high school!