Jillian’s First Soccer Game

Today was Jillian’s first soccer game. It was also Adrian’s first game as coach.  The girls did surprisingly well for their age! I thought that Jillian might be a flower picker or cloud gazer but she wasn’t. She really did get in there and even helped get the ball to goal on several occasions. She did fall and start crying but overall she had a great time! Adrian did great too!



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First day of Kindergarten

I cannot believe that my first born began Kindergarten today! She was so excited to start! I love having her at my school! When I tucked her in bed she said, “Mommy, Mrs. Anderson is the best teacher!” It just melted my heart!! She loves school so much and I couldn’t be happier!

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My classroom is facing the kindergarten room, so I always get to say hello to Jillian before she begins class!


6 Week Portraits

It’s hard to believe that Claire is already 6 weeks old! (Which sadly means I return to work in 2 weeks)

Portrait day was difficult to get through, we’re lucky we got some great shots!! Claire has been colicky for the past 3 weeks. I think it has a lot to do with her digestive system. I’ve been trying probiotics and they seem to be helping 🙂 Hopefully all will be well by the time I return to school.

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One Month To Go…

My 30th birthday is just one month away! I’m not freaking out about this birthday even though it’s a big one 🙂  I think it is because Adrian has been 30 for a while and I always just consider us being the same age. So mentally I have been 30 for a year and a half now, haha!

Back in July of 2010 I created a 30 before Thirty list.

I accomplished 27 out of 30 on my list! I’m very proud of myself!

My absolute favorite accomplished goal:  #27. Baby number 3  Claire!!!

Other favorites:

#3. Master’s Degree

#4. Stable teaching job

#26. Make Sushi


What is left:

#5. Save money for a house

This past school year was my first time back as a full time teacher so money has been tight since 2010. We tried, we really did, but there is not a house in our near future. I’m hoping within the next two years we can save up the money!

#17. Stop going to work on the weekends

Last year was a little difficult for me. I really felt as if I was drowning in paper work and prep work. This year my goal is to reduce the amount of paper work that is being done in the classroom. I am planning on creating math centers that require less grading from me. I am also planning on using the tech that is available to me. My principal supports my use of tech so I’m confident that my choices will benefit my students. (I do have a Master’s in Educational Technology after all). I’m also planning on putting as many tests on Schoolnet as possible (our learning management system). This should reduce the amount o grading that I have to do. I need to work smarter not harder this year!

#24. Apple or Cherry Picking

This one was tricky because of  the seasonal requirements of the fruit. The one weekend we had planned on Apple picking was unbearably hot and we did not want to travel so far to walk around in the heat. The cherry season always fell when we had too many weekend plans. This year we had Claire so it is out of the question right now 🙂  Maybe we’ll get it in this year…. but it will be done at least once! It is an experience my girls need!



Jillian’s 5th Birthday

Five years! Wow! We are so blessed to have such an amazing little girl. Jillian is truly a special person. She is a very sensitive little girl who is amazingly affectionate and full of wonder and creativity. I love indulging her during her favorite time of the year, her birthday!  This year has been the hardest to throw a birthday party considering Claire is barely two weeks old. We tried to talk Jillian into just going to Disneyland or somewhere equally fun, but nope, she had to have a party 🙂

So we decided to have the family come over for dinner on her actual birthday and then invite the preschoolers over for a Saturday party. Well the Family dinner kept growing, haha. The family list kept growing… it was really more of a dinner party for most of my mom’s friends 🙂 It was a really nice night! I really enjoyed having a Baby Break, haha, I think the only times I had Claire was when I was feeding her. The hardest part of that party was the prep! Claire was a bit cranky while I was trying to make a cake! The girls were also having sharing/playing nice issues and there was quite a bit of screaming and crying.

The Saturday preschool party was great… not many RSVPs… but the kids that showed up were really nice kids! We had a total of 7 kids plus 3 siblings. They all had a blast playing the backyard. The theme this year was ice cream, though no ice cream was actually served at the party. I made these fantastic cupcakes inside ice cream cones, thank you Pinterest! Unfortunately  Pinterest didn’t tell me that I shouldn’t make the cake ahead of time! All of the cones became soggy and fell over! My mom, thankfully, is amazing and ran to the store and picked up a cake. The party was a success and Jillian was super happy 🙂

Here are pictures from Thursday and Saturday 🙂 Check out my polka dot cake!!

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Ice Cream Party 🙂_MG_2846 _MG_2847 _MG_2851

They lined up for the piñata by themselves 🙂 SO CUTE!_MG_2855 _MG_2856 _MG_2860 _MG_2862 _MG_2872

Happy Father’s Day!

Adrian is an AMAZING father to our girls! He is so patient and loving. He does so much for the girls and me. This father’s day was an easy one to shop for! Adrian has recently become really into golfing. So the girls and I got him a bunch of golf items including a Swingtip . It is this device that you place on your golf club and it sends data to your phone. It is perfect for Adrian, golf and data!

I couldn’t think of anything to get for my dad, so I made a photo collage of the girls for him to take to work. It turned out cute 🙂


Today we have just been hainging out around the house… things are a little more difficult with a two week old 🙂  I convinced Adrian that it is ok if he goes golfing today for Father’s Day. I told him if I had a choice I would probably spend Mother’s Day at a spa!  So he’s golfing today and then we’ll attempt to eat at his favorite restaurant tonight! haha attempt because of Claire.