
On Tuesday when I went back to work I recieved a Text Message from my mom:

” Can’t get Vaseline out of Jillian’s hair, washed it 4 times.”

So apparently our sneaky 2 1/2 year old found a container of Vaseline and put it all over the couch, her face, and her hair. I searched online and it said to use dish soap to get it out of hair. Well it is Saturday and she still has greasy hair! My mom’s friend is a dog groomer and she said that Vaseline is used on dog’s ears for cleaning and their is only one soap that works: Dawn, the blue bottle. I’ve been using Palmalive all week. Tonight I’m off to the store to buy Dawn! I’ll write an update once we get the vaseline out.

here is greasy hair Jillian… It just looks wet!

She didn't want to pose... she was a bit mad after 4 hair washes

French braid

I’ve always wanted to learn how to make a French braid so I stuck it in my 30 before Thirty list. When I am trying to learn something new I LOVE the internet. I was able to do a video search for how to French braid. My first attempt wasn’t too bad, wasn’t great either haha. My second attempt went a little better. This was during the Vaseline debacle, so Jillian’s hair was nice and greasy, allowing for a tight braid. I also made it a double braid to have less hair to deal with.


Here is my first attempt


She only sat still because she was flossing

attempt done while she was playing

the right side turned out much better than the left side


Sewing Machine

For Christmas my mom got Jillian a sewing machine. My mom taught her how to use the foot pedal today. (the needle has been removed until she is ready) Here are some pictures after the first lesson.

Bower’s Kidseum

On Sunday we visited the Bower’s Kidseum.  The first Sunday of every month is free so we went and let the girls explore. It’s a small little hands on museum that focuses on different cultures. Jillian had a great time playing in the museum. Oliva enjoyed playing with the musical instruments. For the Arts and Crafts activity Jillian and I made a clay mask. I shaped and she painted.

Hello 2011

2010 was a great year due to the addition to our family in February.  I also began my master’s program in September, I’m looking forward to it’s completion in December 2011! I am so proud of myself for actually sticking to a New Year’s Resolution!! Last January I decided to blog about the fun events that go on around our house hold. A year later I am happy to say that I am still doing it! This year’s resolution is a bit more personal so I won’t be posting it, but I will continue to check off things on my 30 before Thirty list.

For New Year’s Eve we spent the evening with my friend Lacey at the W Hollywood. She hosted a Poker Pajama Night. Lacey is amazing when it comes to themed parties. She purchased the cutest pajamas ever for us! Here is a link to the brand David and Goliath, SOOO CUTE!

Jillian is such a social butterfly. She mingled with everyone as if she’d known them for years!  We played Taboo and after an extra round the girls beat the guys 🙂  Jillian and Olivia didn’t understand the countdown but they did like the fireworks at midnight. I had no idea LA set off fireworks, it was a definite plus! (Yes you read Olivia’s name!) The girls were super troopers! They stayed awake up until about 10 minutes into the car ride home. They weren’t even cranky, whoooo!

Here are some pictures supplied by Lacey!

Happy New Year's From The Barnes Family

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! On Christmas Eve we went to the Longo party. There are so many people it’s crazy! It is really neat to see everyone growing up. I’m one of the eldest great grandkids, so seeing all the little ones as teenagers is really fun.

Christmas morning was a blast. However, I think Jillian was overwhelmed. She didn’t quite know what to do. She became fixated on the candy in her stocking which is not a good thing at 8 AM.  Her favorite thing to play with was the wooden magnetic dress up dolls.

In the afternoon we wen’t over and spent some time with Adrian’s parents. Jillian gets so excited to go and see them. Olivia got a talking Elmo, which she loves!

Later in the day we had a very nice and mellow Christmas dinner at my Aunt Angie’s house. Jillian enjoyed decorating a Build-A-Bear box.

Boxing day was not the day I had anticipated it being. Adrian was lucky enough to receive an Xbox 360 from his parents, so naturally he had to find his games out in our playhouse/storage.  It turned out to be a huge project! We ended up having to reorganize a lot of the boxes out there. We also found that the playhouse door was not keeping the water out so most of the boxes on the front side of the house are wet. We’ll have to invest in some plastic bins to keep our items safe from water. We also got rid of a lot of things sending them off to good will.

Nona and the Girls

Great-Grandma Elyse, Nona, Papa, an Jillian

Nona, Papa, Jillian, and Olvia

Unwrapping Presents

Santa brought Jillian a Dyson

Nona showing Jillian how to vacuum

"all done!"

Cake Pops

I love to follow Bakerella’s blog. I’ve wanted to make cake pops for a while now and figure now was a good time. I decided to make snowmen for the holiday season.

Here is what they are supposed to look like:

and here is what mine look like:

They didn’t turn out too bad 🙂  They were super sweet however. A little sick to your stomach sweet haha. I made the inside with funfetti cake and vanilla frosting.