Gingerbread Houses

Our Gingerbread House party did not happen this year. My mom and I were just too busy to organize a day to have a party. So we made some last minute plans to make some Gingerbread Houses.

Jillian had a great time! I helped by spreading the frosting and she did the decorating part. My friend Sydney joined us for the first time and made a beautiful house!

Here are some pictures of Jillian’s house… ( I got to finish decorating mine during their naps later in the day, no picture was taken)

Wrapping Gifts

Jillian and I have been in a wrapping frenzy this holiday season. She just loves to help put the tape onto the presents.  One of my goals was to beautifully wrap a present. This is my attempt to do so. Haha I’m definitely not Martha Stewart but it’s not bad.

“I’m on top of a mountain”

On Saturday we took Jillian and Olivia to Big Bear. Olivia did a great job in the car for such a long trip! Jillian also did really well, we tried our hand at potty training last week. It started with the girls having a horrible diaper rash. We started putting Jillian in underwear and she was really good about going in the potty. We averaged about 1 accident a day, which is really good in the beginning! So our trip was very successful in that way, only 1 accident, and we laied out one of those dog pads on her carseat so everything worked out.

Jillian had a blast in the snow! She started throwing snowballs all on her own. She was so cute because she kept saying “I love snow” and “I’m on top of a mountain.”

Christmas Tree

Well it’s December and we picked up our tree on Friday.  Jillian and Olivia helped decorate the tree. Jillian loved putting the ornaments on and Olivia loved taking them off 🙂  Our tree is not the most beautiful one we’ve ever decorated but it is one of the most fun to decorate! It is so fun watching Jillian start to understand the Christmas traditions.


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! I tried a new recipe for candied yams and my family loved it!!  It will definitely show up again next Thanksgiving.  We had dinner at my aunt’s house this year. Thanksgiving is always a great time since we all gather around the table for dinner. To me being surrounded by the people you I love is what Thanksgiving is all about. On Friday we had our traditional Friendsgiving. It was so great to see everyone! It’s been hard this year to get together with everyone. I think I bit off more than I can chew with my obligations this year. I would not recommend getting a masters while working and having two young children.

Here are a few pictures from dinner on Thanksgiving.

Trick or Treat! It’s Halloween

Halloween morning Jillian and I carved our pumpkin! We carved Cinderella’s Castle into our pumpkin this year. I also made a mickey mouse one but it rotted out before I remembered to take pictures.

Jillian and Olivia dressed up in their costumes and headed out for a night of trick or treating. Our street is lacking in the Little Kid department so not everyone was passing out candy this year. Jillian was a little shy in saying Trick or Treat, often saying it before the door was opened. We kept reminding her, “say thank you, Jillian.” So she started saying, “thank you Jillian” It was really cute!!

Fun at Sea World

We took a Saturday trip down to San Diego to go to Sea World. Here are some cute pictures of the girls playing in the Sesame Street play area.