Jillian is now in High School!

I cannot believe how fast time goes! This year Jillian started 9th grade! She is going to the same high school Adrian and I did, so walking her through the school during registration was strange. It was even wilder attending back-to-school night sitting in some of the same classrooms!

Pinch some water from my butthole

Alice is 3 1/2 and the sassiest little thing ever! The other day, Adrian asked for Alice to bring him his water bottle. She pinched her fingers together and told Adrian “I pinched you some water from my butthole.”

This has now become a running comment between Adrian and myself. The audacity of this child is amazing haha she makes us laugh on a regular basis.


Santa brought Olivia a cotton candy machine for Christmas, so for New Year’s Eve we made Cotton Candy Glitter Bombs.

Painting Garden Gnomes and Statues

My mom had some garden statutes that were getting a bit old. She invited us over to paint them for her. Alice went for the pig right away and of all the colors she could pick, she went for green. So my mom has a really bright green pig in her garden now. It was fun seeing how the girls work. Olivia is similar to me in that she was a little meticulous in her color choices and how to paint her gnome. Jillian did an amazing job on her toadstool and frog, She has such a natural ability to make things cute. Claire was all about efficiency haha she got two done very quickly. She painted the snail and the bird.

Mother’s Day 2020

Since we are still observing “Shelter in Place” do to Covid-19, we celebrated Mother’s day the best we could. The girls all made me presents that fit their individual style. Claire wrote me a card, with me as the flower and her as a spider. Olivia drew a picture of me on her iPad, and Jillian made me an elephant clay figure. Alice and Adrian got me a beautiful necklace with the girls’ names on it.

Adrian gave me the best present. He took the girls to go swimming so I had a couple of hours to myself in the house. It was glorious.