My mom’s good friend Monica helps with an organization called One Step. It is a non-profit to help single mother’s get back on their feet. This was taken at the tea party fundraiser.
This year was a big one for me at CUE! I was a presenter!! I had 1 full session with my friend and then a 20 minute CUE tip. We had such a blast presenting!
I was so honored today by my staff. They have chosen me as their very first Teacher of the Year for Beacon Park. It has been such an adventure starting Beacon Park! I am surrounded by amazing teachers and administrators.
I took Jillian and Olivia with me to visit Lacey in San Francisco. Main goals of the girls were to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Large trees. Lacey took us to to Muir Woods across the Golden Gate Bridge. Then we ate at Boudin’s and saw the sea lions. Olivia loved learning about the sea lions!