Jillian’s Birthday and Kinder graduation

So first off, I have been really bad about taking pictures, so today’s post is sadly limited.

Jillian’s birthday today was again a Friday 🙂 She was born on a Friday so we look at Friday the 13th as a lucky day! Today at school the Child Development Center, where she spends her mornings before kindergarten, had a cute graduation ceremony. They sang a parody of Dynamite making a clean version substituting graduate for dynamite.

My lucky Friday the 13th treat was that their graduation presentation was during my lunch! It was perfect, I was able to go and watch the presentation then go back to my class. It was super cute and so fortunate that Jillian was in the front row and I found a seat in the front row 🙂 I got some fun pictures! Since I had to leave I missed out on their certificate portion, but one of the other mom’s snapped a picture and sent it along for me.

After school we celebrated Jillian’s birthday with a fun little party at our house. Miss Erna, Jillian’s art teacher, was able to come to our house and lead a mini art lesson for the girls. We had a small group of girls come, many canceled. Which actually worked out because it was the perfect number of girls… EVEN! haha

Cupcakes were simple for her birthday… just cupcakes with frosting…. I know sad… but they were yummy.

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I’m so excited because Jillian is old enough to be able to sit through the puzzle process. Olivia is not quite there yet, but she helped. The deer one was just for me 🙂 I did it after the girls completed theirs. It was  a nice two day project for me.

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Jillian’s Party

This girls have been having a blast with their Christmas gifts. Last night the girls decided they wanted to put on parties 🙂 they made invitations, clean their room, and created sign in sheets.

Here is my invitation:


This is Jillian’s To-Do list
1. Party tomorrow at 8:00
2. Do some exercise
3. Go to the beach
4. We will do all of this stuff



Here is Jillian’s door with her signs. She even brought out their bench for a sign in table.
1. Party information. No water please
2. Sign up here
3. She created a sign in sheet, she even used handwriting without tears double lines 🙂


The party consisted of the girls dancing. Then we played find the pony. Next we played hot potato with the pony. After that was over, we went outside to play find Rainbow Dash. The girls had placed all of their Rainbow Dash ponies around the back yard.

We played outside for a bit then had lunch. After lunch, the big girls and I went to the beach. Adrian stayed home with Claire.

The beach was absolutely lovely. We had one of Jason’s friend’s Niguel Shore’s keys so we were able to park right by the beach using their private access. The weather was perfect and the girls enjoyed playing in the sand. We stayed for an hour before returning home.








Jillian the sign maker

I love how much Jillian has learned this year! She is starting to use her sounds to write words. This lovely gem was taped outside their door. I’ll translate it for you 🙂


The main sign in the middle here says “this is Jillian and Olivia’s room”


This next portion is too keep Sam out. It reads “Never Sam. We love him, ‘him’ just stinks”


The last part was a bit hard to read so we had to get Jillian to translate… She had some difficulty too but we figured it out. It says, ” But Olivia’s name starts with an O”



Jillian’s kindergarten teacher has a subcription to a program called Raz-Kids. This is so fabulous for Jillian! She is able to listen to and then read books at her reading level. She takes a little quiz at the end to get more books added to her list. I love it when technology is used to take learning one step further! I’m hoping to get this program for my class next year!


I love this picture of Jillian!!
