Disneyland Trip

Here are some photos from a recent Disneyland trip. Jillian enjoys making funny faces so I was glad that I was able to capture them 🙂

We arrived at the princess area just in time to dance with Cinderella and Aurora!           

Camping at the Beach

To ease my way into camping,  I wanted to camp at the beach with the girls. It was an item on my 3o before Thirty list 🙂

We decided to camp at Doheny State Beach. It turned out to be a perfect weekend. The weather was beautiful and clear,  not the rain that was predicted.

When we arrived, Olivia continued to nap in her car seat while Adrian, Jillian, and I put up the tent. Jillian had fun helping daddy bang the stakes into the ground with a big rock she found. Doheny Beach is full of rocks so Jillian was in heaven! We always tend to leave somewhere with a pocket full of rocks.  Anyways, Jillian was so excited about the tent! This particular tent had a doggy door that Jillian just had to test out 🙂  Once the tent was up we moved Olivia into the tent to sleep, Jillian had to test out her sleeping bag too.

After Olivia’s nap, the girls played in the sand for a while. Adrian and I decided to take the girls for a walk down the beach. It was a warm day, so naturally we drove over to the harbor to visit the Scoop Deck. We stopped in to visit our friend Natalia, Jillian was happy 🙂

For dinner we cooked hot-dogs over the bonfire and then had smores for dessert. The girls didn’t fight us during bed time which was a blessing! I think they were both very excited at the fact that they were in princess sleeping bags.

We only camped out for one night but we had so much fun! I am now confident that our next camping adventure will be successful.


The many faces of Jillian


Photo shoot at sunset


The following morning


Pumpkin Patch

Here are photos from our visit to the pumpkin patch. I was able to get a bunch of coupons for Pumpkin City this year. Every time we go we get 14 free ride tickets! It’s been great this year because Jillian has more ride options, unfortunately Olivia only has one.  On this particular trip the train Olivia could ride was broken, so we quickly took some pumpkin pictures and left. Which was ok by me because it was a really hot day and I wanted to get back to our cool home! We still have a week left to return and ride the train 🙂




September Wedding

My dad’s cousin married his bride this past September. I always have fun dressing the girls for large family get togethers.  This time I went with  matching tutu style dresses. I also took this opportunity to take some fantastic photos of the girls =)

The wedding was very beautiful and the girls had a great time, especially Jillian. There were many cousins around to play with the girls, Olivia  of course, stuck by me. Jillian loved playing with cousin Gianna. On the way home she asked if she could play with her the next day.

        Cousin Gianna

      My Parents 🙂  

Trying to get Sam to take a picture.


Olivia enjoys her computer time =)

If we happen to leave our laptops open or our computer on, Olivia will undoubtedly make her way over to it.  She will often locate things that we never knew existed. On one occasion she deleted something on Adrian’s laptop, and to this day we have no clue what the file was hahah!

Here are some photos we captured of one of her online adventures.

Rain in July?

On the last weekend of July the weather decided to change. 🙂

The girls absolutely loved dressing up in their rain gear and heading for an afternoon of splashing in puddles and catching raindrops on their tongues. Adrian and I missed this event because we were spending the weekend in San Diego. My mom messaged me these pictures, I love that we have the technology to receive a picture of a moment in time while we are far away.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

This year was a pretty uneventful St. Patrick’s Day. I worked in the morning and then did homework when I got home. I did get to play with the girls for a little, here are some hipster pictures from my phone haha. My camera is missing and I’m concerned it may have been stolen. 🙁 We can’t seem to find it anywhere!!! Have you seen it? Found it!