Elf day 3


With her magic back, Sparkle has decided to have some fun. She built snowmen out of marshmallows! She used tooth picks for the arms πŸ™‚

I hope the girls are excited to see that the magic elf dust worked πŸ˜‰

Elf Day 2

This morning the girls woke up to see Sparkle had returned to our house, the girls were very excited!! Adrian read them the Santa letter and we talked about the things that they needed to work on. Jillian seemed to take to it more than Olivia, since she had a melt down when getting dressed later in the day. While Adrian read the Elf on the Shelf book, Claire decided that she wanted to crawl today. Β She managed to make her way across the floor to find Sparkle sitting on the fireplace hearth. Claire did what she does best and began to chew on Sparkle. One of the Elf on the Shelf rules is that the elves lose their magic when a child touches them. SO of course this was very upsetting to Jillian and Olivia. I told the girls I would E-mail Santa and let him know what happened.

Here is Santa’s Response to the girls.

Letter from SC magic elf dust


With the letter came a small baggie of silver Magic Elf Dust. The directions are to sprinkle the magic dust onto Sparkle and her magic will return.





Elf Day 1

Elf on the Shelf: Day 1

Our Christmas Elf arrived today from the North Pole! She brought us her story as well. The girls were a little clueless at first, Adrian and I had to guide them to find her. After reading the book, the girls chose to name our elf Sparkle. So Sparkle will be visiting us for the next 24 days. Jillian gets it when we say Sparkle is watching, Olivia may be too young for this but it’s still fun.