Learning to eat

Claire had been enjoying solid food 🙂 today I gave her some food on her platter. She had the time of her life squishing it and then eating it! I’d like to make this a nightly routine haha I think she would love it.




Baby Claire is 5 months old!

Time is zooming by and Claire is developing rapidly! At 5 months old Claire is rolling around like crazy. My mom had to baby gate our living room area because she moves across the floor at an incredible rate. She is even pushing her self up and propelling her self towards toys. Everything goes into her mouth, we’re going to have to be on high alert with this one! She has a very strong voice and wants to be heard. She babbles, laughs, and screams to be heard (screaming = a happy shriek). She loves playing in her bouncer, laughing as she bounces. My mom caught her on video laughing and bouncing 🙂

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6 Week Portraits

It’s hard to believe that Claire is already 6 weeks old! (Which sadly means I return to work in 2 weeks)

Portrait day was difficult to get through, we’re lucky we got some great shots!! Claire has been colicky for the past 3 weeks. I think it has a lot to do with her digestive system. I’ve been trying probiotics and they seem to be helping 🙂 Hopefully all will be well by the time I return to school.

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Welcome Baby Claire

On May 28, 2013 at 12:07 p.m. we welcomed Claire Elizabeth Barnes to the world. She is our largest baby yet at 7 lbs. 2 oz and 19.5 inches long. We are totally in love!

This birth was a fairly easy one. Contractions began at 2:30 a.m. on the 27th, we went into the hospital around 4 a.m. At about 5 a.m. I was given my epidural and everything felt much better… except for the fact that I couldn’t feel my right leg at all 🙂  The labor continued to progress and she was ready to come at noon. The delivery went really well, no complications at all.

She was so wide awake and alert, it was great to look into her precious eyes. She is a hairy little one, everyone has commented on how much thick hair she has on her head. We think she looks a lot like Jillian did as a newborn. It’s always amazing to see how much they look like Adrian when they arrive. It will be interesting to see how she develops these next few weeks.

My Sister-in-Law is the best and brought me sushi to the hospital. She did this for me with Olivia 🙂 Best present ever!

My parents and my brother came a few hours later bringing the girls to see their  baby sister. It’s cute seeing my brother holding a baby! The girls were so excited to see their sister! They brought their presents for Claire and Claire had a present waiting for her big sisters. (A baby doll, baby doll diapers, baby bottles, and big sister books) Olivia was, as expected, way more interested in the baby doll than Jillian.

The first night was a little rough. She didn’t want to be put down and was feeding constantly. Then when she finally was sleeping for a good stretch the nurse came in to give her the first vaccine. :/ so much for sleep. I did let Adrian sleep most of the night, poor guy only had a very uncomfortable chair bed to sleep on.

We are just so happy to have Claire here with us, happy and healthy!

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