Family Photos

We took our family photos recently. It was a fun little park, but with lots of hills! Our favorite memory is Alice introducing herself to the photographer saying, “I’m the funny one.” haha she’s not wrong.

Pinch some water from my butthole

Alice is 3 1/2 and the sassiest little thing ever! The other day, Adrian asked for Alice to bring him his water bottle. She pinched her fingers together and told Adrian “I pinched you some water from my butthole.”

This has now become a running comment between Adrian and myself. The audacity of this child is amazing haha she makes us laugh on a regular basis.

Christmas 2020

This year was fun with Alice understanding a little more about Santa. Santa brought Alice a shop front with some new play food, Claire a vet/animal care set, Olivia a cotton candy machine, and Jillian some Mario legos.

Yep, this is the best we get
Cotton Candy Maker

Thanksgiving 2020

So this was supposed to be a small gathering and it ended up growing. Thankful for our family being able to gather, but also super thankful that no one had COVID! Also, Alice stripped naked within the first 15 minutes of arriving at my mom’s house.