The March and other things :)

Yesterday I joined a few friends in LA to march for Education! We were a little scared when we showed up because there were some crazy people that came out of the woodworks. It was an experience I’m glad I had! It was interesting to see all the different types of people that joined the rally. We saw this group dressed in Native American dance outfits, feathers galore! We also saw strange performing arts people dancing down the street. The rally ended up in front of the state building in downtown LA with a line of speakers. There were some strange radical groups that started getting rowdy so we decided it was time to leave.

We wore our signs to and from Lacey’s place. One of the signs said, “cuts hurt kids.”  A police car pulled up next to us and the cop in the passenger side pointed to a band-aid and said, “I got cut.” haha I love being a girl. After the march we had Shabu Shabu for dinner. It was delicious and worth the wait! We hung out until about 10:30 ish. I was sure I would make it home in no time at all! LA traffic decided otherwise! It was awful, I hate being stuck in traffic. I didn’t make it home until midnight and I walked in on a starving baby, poor Adrian. Olivia didn’t make it easy for him.

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Today was a pretty easy day at home. I took Jillian around the block in her little push car. She loves riding around in it and it is so much easier now that we have a handle! Jillian has also discovered that she loves coloring with chalk! We played outside today chalking up the driveway. She’s very cute because she asks me to draw very specific things. It’s usually Elmo, a dog, and a cat.

Jillian has begun to be interested in the potty so I bought her a little one. She’ll sit and play on it but up until this point she hasn’t really let us know when she’s going to go. However tonight we had a breakthrough! While Adrian was giving her a bath she said, “poo poo.” Adrian looked in the tub and for a second mistook a brown bathtub crayon for a floater. When his initial relief wore off he ran into action. He whisked Jillian out of the tub and placed her on the potty. He made her sit there and “go.” Haha. So today she officially pooped in the potty. WHOO! It was so cute though, she was a little embarrassed by it. Adrian called me over to come see and Jillian closed the door on me and said, “no.” We made a big deal of cheering for her and telling her what a good girl she it. I hope she’ll feel more confident next time.