Master’s Graduation

I finished my Master’s Program this past December. It was a huge accomplishment and I was very proud of my work, so yesterday I walked in the graduation ceremony. It was long as graduations typically are but it felt great to walk up there and be recognized. It was also fun to see my cohort in person since I was in an online program. The student speaker was great. He talked about changing your life and changing your world. I’m not sure if I’m ready to takle the world yet but I have changed quite a bit this year in my profession. I’ve gained more confidence in my teaching and in working with my colleagues. Next stop… doctorate?? hmm I’ll need some time to think about that one. haha I need a break from writing papers for a while.

Here I am being hooded by Dr. Norman 🙂

And the Family 🙂 (The girls were done at this point and ready to go, so our choices of photos were very limited)


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