Baby Claire is 5 months old!

Time is zooming by and Claire is developing rapidly! At 5 months old Claire is rolling around like crazy. My mom had to baby gate our living room area because she moves across the floor at an incredible rate. She is even pushing her self up and propelling her self towards toys. Everything goes into her mouth, we’re going to have to be on high alert with this one! She has a very strong voice and wants to be heard. She babbles, laughs, and screams to be heard (screaming = a happy shriek). She loves playing in her bouncer, laughing as she bounces. My mom caught her on video laughing and bouncing 🙂

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One Comment

  1. Lauren

    Oh my- she is soo beautiful! She looks like so much fun to have! A lil’ wild child in the making. By the way, I love the website.

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