Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies

This was our first time selling Girl Scout Cookies! Olivia and I attended a Cookie Rally a few weeks ago. It was great because they had stations to help the girls get ready to sell. One of my favorite stations was the “door to door” station. They had fake doors that the girls had to knock on and talk to the people who answered the doors. I was nervous that Olivia wouldn’t say anything, but she surprised me! She did really well, remembering all the things we had previously learned about with cookie sales.

We started the cookie sales off with 120 boxes of cookies. We went door to door in our neighborhood on day one, selling most of the cookies. Then on day two the girls walked around my mom’s neighborhood, selling the remainder of the cookies. Can you believe it?! 120 boxes sold in 2 days!! So amazing!

We went back for more… but this is when things started to slow down… I’m glad we went out on day 1 and 2 of cookie sales! People have had their fill and we are still left with 23 boxes from our second order. Fingers crossed we can move these things!

Adrian’s 35th Birthday

My parents gave Adrian a wonderful b-day present, a night off from the girls! We went down to see our friends in San Diego. Adrian and I joined Jarold and Kristie on the San Diego Trolley. It was fun playing tourist for the day. Afterwards we met up with everyone else for dinner at One Door North. Then we traveled to a couple bars. We had such a nice time catching up with everyone! Thanks guys for making Adrian’s day/night so special!


Baby Barnes #4

Baby Barnes #4. Today I am 12 weeks along. I went in for a blood test for genetic diseases… but really we are testing to get the sex of the baby early!! I’m excited to see what it is!

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Painting Party

Olivia attended a Painting Birthday party for a friend from school. She loved it so much! The party was so quiet because the girls were all so very focused on their art work! Olivia did a great job! IMG_0086IMG_0089IMG_0090

New Year’s Eve 2016

This year we drove down to spend New Year’s Eve with the Estradas! We had a blast playing games and having a glow party! Claire fell asleep on the drive down, so she missed all of the party, which is OK, she is only 3 after all!

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