Spring Break at the beach

My mom is awesome and rented a beach house for a week during our Spring Break. It was right on the sand! It was amazing being able to wake up and see the ocean. The girls went straight outside after breakfast every morning.

Claire was in absolute heaven! This was definitely her element. She was crawling all over the sand… tasting everything. She was such a happy baby while we were there, even though she had a slight cold.

The week we were there was absolutely beautiful, the weather was perfect for the first few days. It got a little colder on Wednesday but by the end of the week it was still nice outside.

On Saturday we walked to the pier in the next city over… 8.9 miles round trip… my feet were in pain later that day! It was nice though, Claire and I walked it with my parents and Adrian took the girls via bikes. We had breakfast near the pier and then headed back to the house.

It was such a relaxing week, I didn’t check my work E-mail once and it felt GOOD! I hope we can rent it again in the summer!!





























Sea world

The girls and I took a trip to Sea World during our Spring Break. Olivia fell asleep as soon as we arrived, so our options were very limited. I was able to take the stroller through the sea turtle exhibit and the penguin exhibit. Claire was fascinated by the turtles. Olivia woke up and we revisited the penguins and then left. FOr going by myself with the girls, I consider it a success, haha even though we didn’t do much. Afterwards we met up with Breanna for some ice cream cookie sandwiches. YUM!






Happy Birthday Adrian

This year we didn’t do anything too special for Adrian. My parents took the big girls to big bear for the weekend, so that was a great gift! We then had Adrian’s mom babysit on Sunday so we could go to Adrian’s favorite place, The Boiling Crab. Afterwards we stopped off at a ice cream parlor Adrian went to as a child. YUM, I wish it were closer to our house!  On his actual birthday (Monday) we made tacos and  lemon cake. I felt bad not planning any thing else for Adrian but he wasn’t feeling the greatest so small worked out best! We’ll try to go bigger next year.


Olivia is 4 years old today!




What a whirlwind these past four years have been. Olivia is growing up so fast! She has an amazing personality and I am so proud of her! She still loves the color purple, I think this will stick with her for a while. She is currently obsessed with My Little Pony. This is currently the only tv show that they watch.

For her birthday, Olivia wanted a party. This was surprising to me because she is so shy and doesn’t like to be the center of attention. So we threw together a birthday party with a few of the girls from Olivia’s preschool on Saturday. (Her actual birthday is Super Bowl Sunday).   Three little girls came to the party, making this the quietest party we have ever thrown. Olivia had the best time. I’ve never seen her talk to other kids as much as she did today. I think being in her own domain made her more comfortable. Can you guess the theme of the party? Haha of course it had to be My Little Pony! We went to Party City and filled up on MLP items. Then perusing Pinterest brought me to Hasbro’s website for blank ponies. I got one for each of the girls. They had  a lot of fun decorating their ponies. (They were a little frightening after the girls colored them, but how cool is it to have your own pony!)  The piñata was impossible to break, haha 5  little girls just couldn’t do it. Adrian had to tear it  in half. We made rainbow cupcakes for Rainbow Dash. I have to say that these are my favorite cupcakes to make, they are just so pretty!

For Olivia’s actual birthday she wants to go mini-golfing in the morning. My parents are having a Super Bowl party later in the day, we’ll probably tell her it’s a second birthday party 🙂

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I’m so excited because Jillian is old enough to be able to sit through the puzzle process. Olivia is not quite there yet, but she helped. The deer one was just for me 🙂 I did it after the girls completed theirs. It was  a nice two day project for me.

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Mommy and Olivia Date Night


Adrian and Jillian had their Native Nation’s (Indian Princess) meeting tonight, so I asked my mom to watch Claire and Olivia and I went to Disneyland! We had a blast with just the two of us! It was so easy to go from ride to ride only having to worry about one child! Unfortunately for me, Olivia loves the rides that go in circles. My head was spinning by the end of the night. The photos are from Dumbo and the Carousel in California Adventure. IMG_0649 IMG_0651