Welcome Dash!

We added a puppy to our family! Yes, we are a little bit crazy….

Dash is a 6 week old Golden Doodle puppy. (3/4 Standard Poodle and 1/4 Golden Retriever)

He certainly is a cutie!

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Fourth of July at the beach!!

We got to spend the week of the 4th of July at the beach house! It was a wonderful little vacation! Adrian even took time off to be with us at the beach this time! It was so relaxing!

It was a great week, we had friends coming over on a regular basis which was nice! The girls even had visitors 🙂

I have to say that this was the most relaxing 4th of July. Adrian’s mom and brother came to join us which was great. The baby was tired so we were able to put her down at her regular bedtime! Then we lit a bonfire on the beach and had a warm place to sit during the fireworks. Simply Wonderful!












Jillian’s Birthday and Kinder graduation

So first off, I have been really bad about taking pictures, so today’s post is sadly limited.

Jillian’s birthday today was again a Friday 🙂 She was born on a Friday so we look at Friday the 13th as a lucky day! Today at school the Child Development Center, where she spends her mornings before kindergarten, had a cute graduation ceremony. They sang a parody of Dynamite making a clean version substituting graduate for dynamite.

My lucky Friday the 13th treat was that their graduation presentation was during my lunch! It was perfect, I was able to go and watch the presentation then go back to my class. It was super cute and so fortunate that Jillian was in the front row and I found a seat in the front row 🙂 I got some fun pictures! Since I had to leave I missed out on their certificate portion, but one of the other mom’s snapped a picture and sent it along for me.

After school we celebrated Jillian’s birthday with a fun little party at our house. Miss Erna, Jillian’s art teacher, was able to come to our house and lead a mini art lesson for the girls. We had a small group of girls come, many canceled. Which actually worked out because it was the perfect number of girls… EVEN! haha

Cupcakes were simple for her birthday… just cupcakes with frosting…. I know sad… but they were yummy.

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Claire’s First Birthday

Claire’s first birthday was so fun to plan 🙂 I decided on a pink lemonade theme. I made a cute little lemonade stand, mainly for my pictures 😉 We had some close friends and family join us… not too big haha but big enough to warrent a Taco Guy! It’s our favorite reason for planning a big party.

Claire seemed to have a good time. This was our first party, I think, that had kids besides my own! It was fun to see our friend’s little guy as well as my cousin’s son! I think the kid ratio will start to grow more now… I hope.


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