Jillian the sign maker

I love how much Jillian has learned this year! She is starting to use her sounds to write words. This lovely gem was taped outside their door. I’ll translate it for you ๐Ÿ™‚


The main sign in the middle here says “this is Jillian and Olivia’s room”


This next portion is too keep Sam out. It reads “Never Sam. We love him, ‘him’ just stinks”


The last part was a bit hard to read so we had to get Jillian to translate… She had some difficulty too but we figured it out. It says, ” But Olivia’s name starts with an O”


Meeting Santa

Our night with Santa could have gone better! It was the night after my school’s Holiday Dessert (Open House). We left the school around 8:30 and decided to check out the mall to see if Santa was still there. Well he was, and since the particular mall we went to is dying, no one was there! We walked right in to see Santa. We spent a good 15 minutes taking pictures with him and chatting about what the girls wanted for Christmas. I love the pictures because everyone is facing the camera ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Claire was a trooper and didn’t even cry! Olivia shocked me and told Santa what she wanted, we didn’t even have to drag it out of her. I really feel that if we had planned to see Santa it would not have gone as nicely as this spur of the moment trip!

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