I am THANKFUL for my family!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving this year. Claire turned 6 months old and is now eating yams! She loves them as long as you catch her at the right time (not too hungry, not too full).

This year I cooked all of the side dishes (minus my uncle’s cream peas). The Turkey we bought from Gelson’s pre-cooked. I wasn’t confident enough to tackle that one on just yet. From Monday to Thursday I  think I went to the grocery store eight times!! I kept forgetting small things or I would think we had something when we did not. The worst trip was on Thanksgiving itself, I needed small pans to fit in the chafing dish, the parking lot was crazy, there was even a car crash! Yikes! I was very cautious when I drove out of the parking lot, I didn’t want to get hit by a crazy holiday shopper.

Overall the dinner itself went great. I was proud of myself because everything was yummy 🙂

It was so nice to sit down with the family for dinner. It was great seeing Jason, since he is so busy we don’t see him that often. The girls love it when he comes around. Since we were all together, we took some family photos 🙂

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Baby Claire is 5 months old!

Time is zooming by and Claire is developing rapidly! At 5 months old Claire is rolling around like crazy. My mom had to baby gate our living room area because she moves across the floor at an incredible rate. She is even pushing her self up and propelling her self towards toys. Everything goes into her mouth, we’re going to have to be on high alert with this one! She has a very strong voice and wants to be heard. She babbles, laughs, and screams to be heard (screaming = a happy shriek). She loves playing in her bouncer, laughing as she bounces. My mom caught her on video laughing and bouncing 🙂

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Jillian’s kindergarten teacher has a subcription to a program called Raz-Kids. This is so fabulous for Jillian! She is able to listen to and then read books at her reading level. She takes a little quiz at the end to get more books added to her list. I love it when technology is used to take learning one step further! I’m hoping to get this program for my class next year!


I love this picture of Jillian!!


Olivia is in preschool now!

I cannot believe that Olivia is old enough to start preschool. She was extremely nervous to begin school. She’d been having tons of accidents in the weeks leading up to the start of school. We finally figured out that the root of the accidents were because she was scared to go to school.

Luckily the first day of school was just an hour long meet and greet. I took a personal half day so that I could go with her to class. We also brought Jillian along for support. Olivia did great she loved coloring in the classroom. I think seeing Mrs. Foulds and Mrs. Lee again took some of the nerves away.

We had to remind Jillian that it is Olivia’s class now and to let her take the lead. Overall it was a successful meet and greet day!

After her first official day without parents, Olivia was so proud that she didn’t have an accident. I’m sure that she is going to have a great year and absolutely love preschool as much as Jillian did!

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Jillian’s First Soccer Game

Today was Jillian’s first soccer game. It was also Adrian’s first game as coach.  The girls did surprisingly well for their age! I thought that Jillian might be a flower picker or cloud gazer but she wasn’t. She really did get in there and even helped get the ball to goal on several occasions. She did fall and start crying but overall she had a great time! Adrian did great too!



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First day of Kindergarten

I cannot believe that my first born began Kindergarten today! She was so excited to start! I love having her at my school! When I tucked her in bed she said, “Mommy, Mrs. Anderson is the best teacher!” It just melted my heart!! She loves school so much and I couldn’t be happier!

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My classroom is facing the kindergarten room, so I always get to say hello to Jillian before she begins class!
