Welcome Baby Claire

On May 28, 2013 at 12:07 p.m. we welcomed Claire Elizabeth Barnes to the world. She is our largest baby yet at 7 lbs. 2 oz and 19.5 inches long. We are totally in love!

This birth was a fairly easy one. Contractions began at 2:30 a.m. on the 27th, we went into the hospital around 4 a.m. At about 5 a.m. I was given my epidural and everything felt much better… except for the fact that I couldn’t feel my right leg at all 🙂  The labor continued to progress and she was ready to come at noon. The delivery went really well, no complications at all.

She was so wide awake and alert, it was great to look into her precious eyes. She is a hairy little one, everyone has commented on how much thick hair she has on her head. We think she looks a lot like Jillian did as a newborn. It’s always amazing to see how much they look like Adrian when they arrive. It will be interesting to see how she develops these next few weeks.

My Sister-in-Law is the best and brought me sushi to the hospital. She did this for me with Olivia 🙂 Best present ever!

My parents and my brother came a few hours later bringing the girls to see their  baby sister. It’s cute seeing my brother holding a baby! The girls were so excited to see their sister! They brought their presents for Claire and Claire had a present waiting for her big sisters. (A baby doll, baby doll diapers, baby bottles, and big sister books) Olivia was, as expected, way more interested in the baby doll than Jillian.

The first night was a little rough. She didn’t want to be put down and was feeding constantly. Then when she finally was sleeping for a good stretch the nurse came in to give her the first vaccine. :/ so much for sleep. I did let Adrian sleep most of the night, poor guy only had a very uncomfortable chair bed to sleep on.

We are just so happy to have Claire here with us, happy and healthy!

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Mother’s Day

I had a lovely Mother’s Day this year 🙂 it would have been nice to have our new little one today but she’s taking her time. :).

Yesterday we tried to make breakfast reservations for my mom but they were all booked up. Adrian and I decided just to make breakfast at home. I spent the evening getting things ready sights Adrian could take over in the morning.

He and my dad did a great job for breakfast! They made eggs Benedict with chorizo instead of Canadian bacon. It was delicious. I also prepared a French toast casserole that was yummy too! Adrian’s family came over for breakfast too which was very nice. Adrian’s mom got us some very cute items for the baby 🙂

In preschool, Jillian made me a cute card with a bookmark. The teacher also interviewed the kids about their moms. Apparently I am two years older… Which isn’t too bad, I think I was three last year 🙂



This morning I woke up to two very cute hand made cards.





Most of the day was spent lounging around which I thoroughly enjoyed! At the peak of the day it was so hot, so Adrian took the girls swimming at my aunt’s house. Olivia has a little scare when she stepped off the seat in the spa, luckily Adrian was right there!

After swimming, the water babies spent another hour playing in the bath.

For my gift, Adrian bought me a MammaRoo from Buy Buy Baby. Our swing was perfectly fine but this thing is the latest and the greatest :). It rocks the baby using natural movements, I love it! Haha I hope the baby does too!


I also mentioned to Adrian I wanted to go to the movies, so he bought tickets for our local Cinopolis. We’re seeing Gatsby at 10pm after we put the girls to bed 🙂 we might as well take advantage of my pregnancy insomnia!

Teacher Appreciation Week

Jillian’s preschool room mom has been fabulous this week showering Jillian’s teachers with love. I wanted to do something a little extra to show them that we appreciate their hard work!

Thanks to Pinterest I came up with a cute little inexpensive gift 🙂


We found the cute tea light holders at Michael’s. there is a candle at the bottom. I filled the holders with Starbursts. I also included Burt’s Bee’s lipgloss.

Preschool Photos

Spring photos have arrived… in true school photo fashion… this one is a keeper!

At what point in their lives does a natural smile show up in a school photo? haha at least these are fun to look back at!


Spring 2013 Jillian

Easter 2013

Jillian is definitely a lover of holidays. She was very excited about Easter… and a little upset that it only lasts one day.

The girls woke up nice and early , very excited about Easter. They loved their baskets from the Easter Bunny. For breakfast I made bunny pancakes for the girls using sprinkles for the eyes, nose, and whiskers.

After breakfast the girls put on their Easter dresses and were anxious for the egg hunt. The Easter Bunny brought WAY too many eggs this year! He’ll have to remember to minimize things for next year. It’s just too easy to go overboard at holidays. It was funny to watch how selective they were when hunting for eggs. They would often pass over eggs that were right there in front of them.

After our Egg hunt, we got ready to travel to the park where Adrian’s family was celebrating Easter. I was so happy it didn’t rain this year! The girls recieved Easter Baskets from Adrian’s parents. Jillian’s favorite item was the kite! She was a natural at kite flying! She had so much fun, you could just see the joy on her face as she ran past.

Olivia slept for the first couple hours that we were at the park. As soon as she woke up she also enjoyed in the kite flying. The bubbles were also a hit with the girls 🙂

We returned home completely exhausted! Overall it was a very nice Easter! It’s crazy to think that next year we’ll have three little girls in cute Easter dresses!

Checking out their Easter Baskets

Checking out their Easter Baskets

Bunny Pancakes

Bunny Pancakes

Bunny Ears

Bunny Ears

Bunny ears

Bunny ears

microphone singing

microphone singing

Mommy and Olivia

Mommy and Olivia



Easter Cupcakes

Easter Cupcakes

Love Bug

Love Bug

eggs in a basket

eggs in a basket

Comparing Eggs

Comparing Eggs

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt

The Golden Egg!!

The Golden Egg!!

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt



such a cutie

such a cutie


Sarah and Adrian

Sarah and Adrian

Olivia and the kite

Olivia and the kite











Flying high

Flying high



Auntie Bre and Olivia

Auntie Bre and Olivia

Auntie Bre and Jillian

Auntie Bre and Jillian

Fun Easter egg hunt

Fun Easter egg hunt









more bubbles

more bubbles



Loving the kite

Loving the kite

A kite master

A kite master

Learning how to fly a kite

Learning how to fly a kite



St. Patrick’s Day Bike Ride

The girls were so excited about St. Patrick’s Day! We made green pancakes for breakfast. I attempted to make clover shaped ones… didn’t turn out exactly how I anticipated, but the girls didn’t mind.

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After breakfast we went for a bike ride at the park. Jillian is working on riding a bike with training wheels. She’s terrified of falling so she doesn’t move very fast, which hinders her ability to really move on the bike. Olivia threw a huge fit when we said she was going to ride her tricycle. She didn’t want to wear a helmet. Once she saw how much fun Adrian and Jillian were having she was ready to wear her helmet.

I think Jillian will be on training wheels for a while until she builds up more confidence.

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Snow Day!

We finally made it up to Big Bear for this winter season! We were so happy that the snow actually stuck to the ground for a weekend. We drove up Saturday night and played all morning on Sunday. The girls had so much fun! Adrian had fun too 🙂 Our snowman didn’t work out this year but we still had fun trying.

Daddy Sled Jillian snow Jillian Snowball Olivia and Daddy Sled Olivia Snowball Playing in the snow sledding