Lights at the Harbor

The Harbor loves to go all out with lights at Christmas time. We happened to randomly drive home by the harbor and realized we hadn’t checked them out this year. Christmas lights are so magical to me and I love seeing them. Adrian had me and the girls hop out so we could see them while he circled the crazy parking lot. He was super lucky and found a spot faster than any of us thought! Alice loved it! We even got to see a skateboarding santa.

Gingerbread House Party

Claire said her house was on fire (Candy Corn)

The tradition continues. Our Party was a success! All the kids arrived at the same time and left at the same time, haha it was amazing! Later on that evening I was able to make my house… or my mansion this year. Sam and his friends continued this year with th challenge to build without a milk carton, Jillian joined and did really well. I wasn’t feeling this party when planning it but I’m so glad I powered through that and hosted my favorite party of the year!



The Accident

9pm and Adrian calls with words I was dreading… luckily he was the one calling to say he was in an accident on his motorcycle. Already I was thankful that he was alive and able to call me. Adrian was hit less than a quarter mile from our home by a man who made an illegal left turn in front of him. Thankfully, Adrian was taken to the ER, even though at first he didn’t want to go. There he learned he broke his left shoulder (other things were probably wrong too but that was the biggest).  We were lucky in that he got to come home that night in a sling.  He went in for surgery a few days later getting 4 screws put into his shoulder. The dr said he was lucky as they didn’t need to cut any muscle to do so!

Broken Shoulder

4 screws to keep it in place