Thank You Natalia

Our good friend Natalia is taking a screen printing class. She chose to do a Andy Warhol inspired print using a picture of the girls. Here is the end result, they are so fun!!

Discovery Science Center

The Discovery Science Center currently has a Sesame Street exhibit. Jillian and Olivia had fun exploring the different activities. They loved dancing with Grover and playing in Hooper’s Store.

After exploring the Sesame Street exhibit we played with the main exhibits. The girls really enjoyed the toddler area because there were blocks and a slide, go figure haha.


The Discovery Science Center currently has a Sesame Street exhibit. Jillian and Olivia had fun exploring the different activities. They loved dancing with Grover and playing in Hooper’s Store.

After exploring the Sesame Street exhibit we played with the main exhibits. The girls really enjoyed the toddler area because there were blocks and a slide, go figure haha.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

This year was a pretty uneventful St. Patrick’s Day. I worked in the morning and then did homework when I got home. I did get to play with the girls for a little, here are some hipster pictures from my phone haha. My camera is missing and I’m concerned it may have been stolen. 🙁 We can’t seem to find it anywhere!!! Have you seen it? Found it!

I’m opening it up

So up until now I’ve made my posts comment free. I think that with my new design(Adrian recently finished)  I’m going to open up my comments to everyone. Since this is a personal blog I will be monitoring the first posts (I hate spam). This is why your comment may not show up immediately. This should be fun, not everyone is on Facebook so this is a way for other’s to comment on things going on in the Barnes’ household. Ahh the world of blogging has sucked me in. I have so many subscriptions in my Google Reader it’s ridiculous. Thank goodness for my Evo and a Reader app. I get to fuel my addiction on the go!


My girlfriends and I spent the weekend in Vegas for a bachelorette extravaganza! We had such a blast being silly in Vegas! Here are some pictures that document our adventures.

New Lipstick!! (30 before Thirty) I received a complement on it by a Michael Jackson impersonator.

I broke my heal, and Nolan, the director of something, was able to find black duct tape to repair my shoe, I was able to enjoy the rest of the night.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Jillian and I spent the morning baking cupcakes to bring to Adrian’s work. Jillian also “signed” her name on some valentines to bring to the workers at the shop. She had a lot of fun passing out the valentines, even though she acted shy while doing so.

Our initial intention for this Valentine’s day was to bring Adrian a nice picnic lunch. However do to a jammed packed weekend we spent the morning scrambling to make cupcakes. So instead of a nice family picnic we had lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant with my parents as well.  During the evening Adrian and I took the girls to Ichibiri for a yummy dinner.

When the weather is nice

The girls love playing outside when the weather is nice! It’s been great since the dog is no longer here the girls can play in a poop free yard!