Muffin Tin Monday

Today we played with the egg molds! As you can tell they are not perfect by any means but they are pretty. Today I learned that brown eggs are not the best choice for  hard boiled eggs! They are not easy to peel. My second egg was awful to peel, most of the egg was wasted away with the shell. Since it wasn’t a whole egg the press did not work. I didn’t bother with the picture, it was just a hot mess! Jillian hasn’t been a big eater lately so today she only touched the eggs and the rice. At least she got some protein 🙂




Today’s My Birthday!

We had a nice relaxing day today! I was able to sleep in until 9! I remember the days when that was still too early haha. We had breakfast at Waffle Lady and then went on a search for easel paper for Jillian. She loves painting. I found these fantastic paint brushes at Aaron Brothers. They have the paint inside the sponge and all I have to do is soak them for 30 seconds. No Mess!!!

I did make my own cupcakes today but I love baking so it’s okay! I also got to cross off one of my 30 before Thirty things. I used a piping bag today. It was a little hard, they didn’t come out perfectly but they aren’t too shabby either.

For dinner we’re heading off to Ichibiri! Yum!

haha this was too good not to post. Thanks Felix

Click here —-> Birthday Wishes

Here are just some fun pictures from the day 🙂

Look at Olivia Go!

Olivia will be 6 months on Monday. Wow, time is flying! Olivia showcased her new talent this week. She can sit up all by herself! It is so amazing to me since Jillian couldn’t do this until 7 or 8 months. She is doing really well at trying to crawl. She’s up on all fours, scooting around, and rolling around. She isn’t officially crawling but she gets where she wants to be.

Threw this in because I love my little reader