Muffin Tin Monday

So this is my second week of Muffin Tin Mondays. I’ve been busy these past two Mondays that it’s not turning out how I envisioned. The women on the Muffin Tin Monday website get super creative. Maybe after these 3 week of work I’ll do a better job. Today Jillian had chicken, broccoli, grapes, and rice. It was funny because she only ate the tops of the broccoli, but at least she’s eating it 🙂

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Muffin Tin Mondays

The other day I came accross this woman’s blog.

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

She started talking about Muffin Tin Mondays. It is a fun way to present breakfast, lunch, or dinner to your child. I thought it was such a fun idea that I decided I want to do it too!

So here is our first Muffin Tin Monday Meal 🙂

Jillian got chicken, fried zucchini, cheese, watermellon, grapes, and broccoli.