
So today I watched as Jillian practiced her tantrum. Haha! She crouches down to throw herself on the ground. Then she covers her face, says oww, and starts to fake cry. I wonder if she knows I’m watching.

Disneyland today!

Since our annual passes expire on the 27th I wanted to get at least one more trip in! I also still had $30 in Disney credit to use.  I loved that we got money on our birthdays last year!! This year Disney got wise and the only incentive for annual passholders with their new give a day get a day promotion is an all day fast track pass. No money 🙁  It’s okay though, we probably won’t be returning to Disneyland until the new baby is at least 6 months old.

This morning when I was getting ready I got another dose of third trimester problems. I couldn’t tie my shoes!!! I wanted to wear walking shoes to be comfortable but just putting them on was the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a while!!! I felt like a contortionist trying to find the best position to reach those darn laces. Ugh, no more laces until the baby comes!!!

It is amazing to me to see how much Jillian has grown. When we first started going to Disney she wasn’t quite aware what was going on. She like to look at the lights and that was about it. Now a year later she dances with the music, gets super excited to see Mickey Mouse, and loves to point out the animals and flying things in Small World.

Jillian loved the chicken coop in Mickey's House

Jillian just loved Mickey Mouse

Doctor’s Apt. Today

The baby flipped!!! YAY! She’s in the right position now and I’m super excited. Now it’s just a waiting game as to when she comes. The doctor is pretty sure that she wont come any earlier than the 7th.

For dinner tonight I attempted to make homemade tortillas. They weren’t bad for a first attempt. They were actually yummy! I would reccomend everyone trying it at least once 🙂 I’m sure I’ll try again! (one other reason being we had to buy shortening and there is a lot left over, hahah)

Here’s a link to the recipe blog I got it from, but really I think I need to ask someone who knows what they are doing and have them show me. If you are great at making tortillas e-mail me, I want to learn!!

Here’s a picture of my first attempt. Haha they don’t look pretty!

Mmm Tortillas


Jillian just loves when it rains. She loves going outside! She even has cute rain boots that are decorated with dogs! We played outside for a while. She had a blast.

So cute in her rain boots

She loved to make the rain drops fly off of the plants.

On another note… my baby book arrived today! It looks amazing! Here it is posted on my shutterfly page.

This was the first time I had a book printed at 12 x 12. I’m considering always printing this big. Everything looks vibrant and crisp!! The only problem I found is that the pages are glossy and so getting the baby’s foot print will be a little tricky. I think we’ll just bring nice paper and have the nurse stamp on that and I’ll glue it in later. Not a big deal at all 🙂 and it will still look amazing!

As much as I miss working I love having all this free time to work on creative projects!

Fake laugh

Today at dinner Jillian decided that feeding the dog was more fun than eating. She likes to tease Rocky by saying, “Up and down” while simultaneously moving her hand (and the food) up and down.

Well tonight she thought it was the funniest thing in the world. I think we fueled her by laughing too! She started to force her self to laugh. It was hard not to laugh along with her but I was a little worried about it. Sam, my little brother, created a fake laugh so much that I think it has become his real one! I want Jillian’s laugh to be natural not forced!!!

A date with the ducks

Today Jillian and I visited Adrian for lunch. Afterwards we stopped by the park that is home to tons of birds. There were so many  different types of birds. We saw different breeds of ducks, pigeons, geese, seagulls, and others I couldn’t name.:) There was even one there that looked like a turkey, HAHa, he was very ugly.

Jillian had a blast! She was running around yelling “duck, duck” and making the chirping movement with her hands. It was adorable, I wish I had it on film. I’m sure we’ll return because she had so much fun.

We had extra crackers in the car so we let Jillian feed the birds. Boy was she upset when we ran out!

Look how excited she got!

She kept coming back for more crackers

Hello Duck

New due date

So I had a routine doctor’s appointment today. She decided that since Jillian came early she should check the baby with an ultrasound. We were not supposed to have one for 2 weeks so Adrian wasn’t with me. 🙁

Well it turns out that the baby has a new due date of February 7th and not the 19th. Gosh, I’m not ready at all. Less than a month away. How will I ever survive? I know that millions of women do it with 2 under 2 but it’s still scary! I even have a plethora of support at home since we’re living with my parents.

The doctor also informed me that the baby is not head down like she should be but is in a Transverse Lie. Which means that she is laying sideways with her head on my right side and her butt on my left.  This explains why I have been having trouble sleeping. I can’t get comfortable with the baby in a strange position. If she doesn’t flip I’ll be having a C-section. This is another thing I’m scared of! I hated the recovery part of giving birth and now I may have to recover from surgery. AGHHH! Thank God I’ll have my mom around all the time. Poor Jillian, It’s a good thing that Adrian is an amazing dad!!! I know that she’ll get the attention she deserves with him around for his 2 weeks paternity leave.

I now have my doctor’s appointments weekly so I’m hoping that next time she will be in the correct position. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

New Year’s Day… Car rides and Snow

So on New Year’s Day  we wanted to go see the snow! This was my last weekend to travel because the baby is due in February. We loaded up the car and Jillian and headed to the snow.

Unfortunately we were not the only ones with this idea 🙁 We hit major traffic at the base of the mountain. Luckily Jillian fell asleep a few minutes into the mountain drive. It took us at least 3 hours to get from the base of the mountain to the cabin. Thank goodness Jillian didn’t wake up until we were almost at the cabin!! So we spent a total of 4 hours in the car at this point. Aghh

When we arrive at the cabin we find that it is occupied. My mom had said that there may be people going up but they never confirmed it with her.  We figured even if they were there, they had said it was only going to be 4 or 5 people. Our cabin can easily accommodate more than that, so we were not worried. Boy were we WRONG! Every inch of space was occupied by someone!  So we decided on playing in the snow, getting dinner, and heading home. Surely no one would be going down the mountain tonight!

Again the joke was on us! The traffic was unbelievable. After sitting for 10 minutes and my pregnancy bladder yelling at me, Adrian decided on turning around and going home via the backside of the mountain. We knew it would take almost as long, but at least we’d be moving.

I think we were in the car for almost 9 hours that day ! My feet had swollen up so much that my toes hurt. I had to sleep with my feet propped up for 2 days.

Here are some pictures of our snow adventure. Jillian was so cute in her snow outfit.  She did not like the gloves (no use of fingers). Adrian and Jillian built a snowman. I loved watching them interact. Next year we’ll be less spontaneous and make sure that we can stay the night (and not go up on a holiday!!)

Our Snow Angel

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Glitter, Bling, and Alien Cupcakes

We had a blast on New Year’s Eve.  My good friend Lacey hosted a Glitter and Bling Party!  Everyone wore something sparkly 🙂  Jillian was dressed in a cute little black, white, and silver dress. I even “bedazzled” a tie for Adrian. He was such a good sport about it. That’s one of the things I love about Adrian, he’ll always be okay with being silly!!
IMG_1617 IMG_1618 IMG_1620 IMG_1613 new years ny2

So onto Lacey’s Alien Cupcakes! They were super yummy and not to mention so very cute!


A New Year with a New Project

So I decided that I wanted to do something new this year. I have gotten really into digital scrapbooking and in that world blogging is a HUGE thing. I’ve never really been one for journaling but then I started thinking about what a lost art that is. I started including a little bit of journaling in my scrapbooking but I wanted to document more.

So this begins my journey into blogging. I want to document all the exciting things that come up in our lives with our ever growing family. I wish I would have started this sooner for Jillian. I love watching her grow. Every day is a new adventure with her.