Alice Catherine Barnes
Alice was born on Monday, August 28, 2017 at 12:49pm. She weighed 7lbs6oz and was 19.5 inches long. She is absolutely perfect!
Alice was was 41 weeks and 4 days, 11 days past her due date! Originally we had scheduled to be induced right at 41 weeks but I wasn’t feeling comfortable about it. Olivia’s birth was tough being induced. So we waited. I had one night of bad contractions, thinking it was it, but then I threw up and the contractions all stopped. On exactly 41 weeks, the doctor noticed that I had protein in my urine and really swollen feet. My blood pressure was still normal but she was concerned about preeclampsia, so we set up an appointment to be induced on Monday. All weekend long I was having contractions at night. They would be consistently regular, meaning. One night they were 20 min apart all night, then stopped in the morning. Then the next night they were 15 min apart all night stopping the morning. So when we went in on Monday morning, my body was ready to hAve this baby! They started me on pitocin to start the contractions going a little stronger. The doctor broke my amniotic sac yo move things even further along. The Nurse noticed a drop in Alice’s movements and my blood pressure was all over the place. They stopped the pitocin but by then my body took over. The epidural was a much welcomed pain and Alice was born after two big pushes.