It’s A Girl!

Even though this pregnancy has been drastically different, we are expecting another girl!

(I had much more morning sickness this time and I crave salty things rather than sweet things)

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Christmas Success

The girls had a wonderful Christmas! I loved watching them get excited about everything they received! Their favorite gifts came from Santa: Dreamlights and Disney stuffed animals.

Santa also brought Jillian a bike and Olivia a Lego table. These were second string to the Dreamlights haha.

Olivia was super cute when emptying her stocking. She kept repeating, “I got everything!” hahaha. So Cute!!

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Living near the beach makes me a bit spoiled when it comes to weather. Haha I was shocked this morning when I walked out to find ice on my car! I can’t even imagine having to deal with snow in the morning while trying to get to work! I am very thankful for where I live!!!


Gingerbread Houses

Every year we have a Gingerbread House party. We invite our close friends to decorate Gingerbread Houses using milk cartons and graham crackers. Jillian was excited to invite her friends from school. She talked about the party all week long.

She enjoyed seeing everyone’s houses 🙂


This was mine.



Here is Jillian’s. IMG_1425


Here is Olivia’sIMG_1426

My Fabulous Husband

I had been a bit stressed at work lately. I was dealing with issues that come along with working in elementary school in a high socio-economic area… a little bit of crazy. Adrian sent flowers to my work. I was so touched that he thought of something so nice to cheer me up! Adrian never sends flowers, so this was a fabulous treat for me!!

