Space Shuttle Endeavour

The Endeavour Space Shuttle was being transported to its resting place in LA. The space shuttle was able to be seen around Southern California. Since I was at school, my mom took the girls to see Adrian at work.  They were able to see the Endeavour being flown by! This was so great for Jillian because she says that she wants to be an astronaut when she grows up. 🙂  We just happen to have these great astronaut helmets. I bought these a few weeks back… Jillian was scaring me by putting a plastic bag over her stuft animals saying it was it’s space helmet. I decided it was time to buy one for her so that a plastic bag never becomes hers or Olivia’s helmet.



This picture was taken at dinner that night. Olivia was demonstrating how the space shuttle piggy-backed on the larger airplane 🙂


Miniature Golf

We decided that a game of miniature golf was in order. It was great because Felix and Amanda were in town and willing to join us. Adrian and I were thankful that they were there! The girls had a blast! We had them travel ahead of us so we were all  able to enjoy playing!

Back to School!

Jillian was so very excited to return to school!

The very first day was a “get to know you” day. The parents and students were able to “play” in the classroom for an hour. I was bummed I missed her first day, but I’ll get to take her once I’m on my Fall break.

Here she is on her first official day of the school year.

Caramel Apples in the Summer

During the heat wave, Jillian and I decided to make caramel apples for the first time. Haha needless to say it was quite hot in the kitchen. Our caramel apples did not turn out the greatest, haha I kinda made everything up as I went and the caramel was just too hard. Oh well, haha, it was an experience!


New York!

The family and I (minus the girls) took a trip to New York for the week of Fourth of July! It was fantastic! We definitely classified this as a trip, not a vacation! We were non stop moving from morning to night.  Our hotel was located in the heart of Times Square which was so much fun!  We saw everything on the “tourest to do list” haha. It was a jammed packed week!

My good friend Lacey was also inNew York, studying at the Teacher’s College of Columbia, (She’s getting her second Master’s!!!) She was the reason this trip was put into motion. Adrian and I met up with Lacey for the fireworks show. Unfortunately, we were directed in the wrong direction and we ended up smooshed between two large buildings with a very limited view of the fireworks. It was so ridiculously hot due to it being summer and the fact that we were packed like sardines! It’s still fun to say that we were in New York on the Fourth of July!

Off we go!

 View from our hotel

Exploring the city: Central Park  

Museum Day

Subway Adventures

Little Italy

China Town

911 Memorial

Fourth of July Fireworks

More Subway Adventures

Statue of Liberty/Elis Island

Empire State Building

Best Korean Lunch!

Heading back home

Last Day of Preschool

Jillian had a fantastic year in preschool. She absolutely loved her teacher and loved learning new things… and playing with friends!! She has grown so much in a school year!

        First Day of Preschool (September 2011)


Last Day of Preschool (June 2012)