Pumpkin Patch!

We visited the pumpkin patch today! Grandma and Auntie Bre joined us too! I love the pumpkin part of Halloween. I love picking a perfect pumpkin and turning it into a work of art! The past two years we’ve gone to San Luis Obispo to get cheaper pumpkins. This year the trip couldn’t happen because Olivia hates the car, and a 5 hour car ride of screaming would not be a good weekend! We settled for Pumpkin City by the mall. It worked out because one of my co-workers  gave me her extra tickets. Jillian rode the little train and absolutely loved it! We still have extra tickets so I’m sure we’ll be returning one of these days. She also rode a pony for the first time. She had a blast!

Disney’s Halloween Party

On Tuesday we went to Disneyland for their Halloween Party! The girls were cheerleaders and Adrian and I dressed up as Elmo and Big Bird. We met up with friends of ours and had a great time! The candy was better this year, lots more chocolate! The wait time for the rides was really short, the most we had to wait was 15 minutes. I was super excited to go on Space Mountain, with two babies it’s not always easy to ride the big rides. Olivia fell asleep during the fireworks and Jillian fell asleep on the way out of the park.


A new picture of Olivia was chosen over at Parent’s Magazine. 🙂 http://photos.parents.com/category/vote/photo/495296

Please vote for her. Last time we got to number 9 in 3 days! Since I caught the e-mail early this time I’m sure that we can get at least top five. Only 1st place gets the prize however.

You can vote once everyday until Sunday, October 2nd. I also found that you can vote from different internet browsers as well as your phone (iphone or android).

If you are a little confused with the voting let me know. Sometimes the quote is right on the box and other times you have to watch the commercial to find the quoted text. I know it’s a pain sorry!

Back to School Cold

After my first whole week of working I managed to bring home a cold. I started feeling a little under the weather on Saturday. It spread to Olivia and Jillian. No fun! It’s going to be a rough week for my mom during the day and Adrian and myself at night.

I hope that this cold won’t last too long. It’s going to be hard to get sleep in with sick babies. I guess we’ll be watching movies a lot this week.

I’m enjoying my new part time job as an instructional assistant. I am working with the first grade team. They are a nice group of ladies! It will be nice to build a rapport with a new group of teachers in a new district. I’m hoping it will lead to a job in the future, since Capo isn’t looking too promising. I wish I could stay where I started, watching my students grow, but it’s just not in the cards for me. My new school is very nice. It is a small school, no more than 3 teachers in each grade level. It is a title 1 school which I think is how they have the funding for my position.

Tomorrow I am excited to go to an EIRM (Early Intervention Reading Model) training. From what I’ve heard it’s an awesome program. I’m excited even though today I found out that I will not be compensated. I hope it’s worth it!

Art baggies

I needed to do something different today. I filled Ziplock baggies with tempera paint and squeezed out all of the air. Jillian had a great time “drawing” in the paint. It worked best when we put a white piece of paper behind the baggies. Olivia enjoyed the baggies too, this is why I filled two bags instead of just one. The bickering over toys has already begun and Olivia isn’t even 1 yet!  (photos are pretty bad today since they were taken from my phone)



