Labor Day Weekend

We had a very nice weekend! It’s always nice to have Adrian home for an extra day. On Saturday we spent the afternoon in San Juan Capistrano. Jillian was so thrilled to see the big train! She is still talking about it. We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Bad to the Bone BBQ. If you’re in the area and want barbecue that’s the place to go. We really enjoyed their BBQ sauce. After dinner we waited in line over at Ferrell’s in the mall. We had some yummy ice cream sundaes. It was not really worth the wait. We opted to sit on the patio since they were banging drums and singing inside. (It was late and Olivia was sleepy). The ice cream was good but it wasn’t worth the $7 price tag. It was one of those things you have to do at least once.

Sunday was a nice day. We didn’t do much 🙂 Adrian and I did sneak away at night for dinner. We went to the Spectrum for some sushi. We saw that the Broken Lizards were performing at the Improv. We really like the movie Super Troopers so we decided to see the show at 7. We promised my parents that we would be home by 9. Olivia becomes a monster at about 8:30. Unfortunately the show started late so we were home a bit after 9. My poor parents had a screaming baby for a while. My phone had died and when it was charged in the morning I found a message from my dad with a screaming baby and a text from my mom saying “help” I guess we really can’t be out past 8 anymore! That’s what we get for trying to be a little spontaneous. Hopefully this isn’t a precursor to any future issues with Oliva.

Monday was fairly low key as well. I was able to sneak out for a couple hours and go clothing shopping, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to do that. My friend Lacey came by, her laptop’s hard drive committed suicide and we were trying to see if Adrian could recover her files before school starts. Later on in the day Adrian left the house for his couple hours of peace and quiet. He’s still working on putting my page design into action, as you can see it’s still pretty boring. While Adrian was away Jillian and I did some tissue paper art. She had lots of fun but I had to watch her like a hawk, she kept calling the glue + water mixture milk. I even caught her licking her fingers. eww. Jillian did not have Muffin Tin Monday yesterday, I forgot it was Monday, next week we’ll be back at it.

Here are some cute pictures from this weekend.

Look at me standing!

Muffin Tin Monday

Today’s theme was all about numbers. I cut her PB&J sandwich into 123. Then she got numbered snacks. 1 chocolate graham cracker, 2 pretzel sticks, 3 pieces of PB&J sandwich, 4 Trader Joe’s Cheetos, 5 Goldfish, and 6 slices of avocado. She ate everything today (most of it was junk).

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Jillian was playing out in the backyard yesterday. She started to say “snake” over and over. I was a little worried, since she was out there alone. On a closer inspection of the “snake” I found a caterpillar. I brought out the magnifying glass so that we could look at it more closely. She had so much fun watching it inch it’s way into the grass.

Muffin Tin Monday

Today we did an ABC theme. As you can see Jillian was very hungry and didn’t wait for me to finish before devourering the A. This was her lunch, PBJ sandwiches and apples.


I made more eggs today too but scatter brained I forgot to take a picture. I used the bear, the fish, and the heart mold today. the bear was super cute and I am really bummed that I didn’t take a picture of it. I was amazed because Jillian actually ate the yolk!

Muffin Tin Monday

Today we played with the egg molds! As you can tell they are not perfect by any means but they are pretty. Today I learned that brown eggs are not the best choice for  hard boiled eggs! They are not easy to peel. My second egg was awful to peel, most of the egg was wasted away with the shell. Since it wasn’t a whole egg the press did not work. I didn’t bother with the picture, it was just a hot mess! Jillian hasn’t been a big eater lately so today she only touched the eggs and the rice. At least she got some protein 🙂


